North Carroll Soccer
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North Carroll Soccer is a Year-Round Youth soccer program sponsored by the North Carroll Recreation Council in cooperation with the Carroll County Department of Recreation. Our program offers an In-house recreational league for both boys and girls ages 3 to 18 (your child must be 18 or younger based on your age in this calendar year). Our objective is to provide an opportunity for the children to experience the great game of soccer, with enjoyment, competition, sportsmanship, fairness and equality to all players.

UPDATE 2024: With NCSC's new age divisions, the oldest age group (B14+ and G14+) may be combined dependent on the number of registrants.  Unfortunately, a lack of registrations may only yield enough players to have 2 teams in total.

The In-House recreation league is designed to allow players to increase their soccer skills while learning to play the game. All players will play approximately six games in the spring season. This allows for the fun of the game while participating in a little competition as well. Practices begin in the middle of March and the first games will begin April 6th.


For more information on the NCSC In-House program, please email the appropriate In-House Coordinator from our "Contact Us" link in the menu to the left.

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